A relatively short drive to Chobe National park, which is back into Botswana (Miles had to offer a small donation to officials to get us across a wee bit quicker). This place had a bit more luxury – the honeymooners opted for a luxury upgrade to a proper bed, shower & TV. This in effect gave us an upgrade with extra blankets and pillows ;)
Our first safari experience was a cruise along the Chobe River. This can be hit and miss, because you can only go as far as the river bank, so cant always get as close to the animals. This was definitely a HIT – one of the best safaris we’ve had.

Our first spot was a herd of elephants feeding next to the bank. It was amazing to get so close to so many of these majestic animals, which weigh up to 3 tons. We must have been within 5mtrs, and got a detailed look at how they pull up the grass, shake off the dirt, and then eat (500kg a day). And once again, a bull was showing off to the ladies ;)

Then our guide expertly saw a fish eagle and a monitor lizard. We could barely see these things once we knew where they were, so these guys are v good to spot them from a distance and instantly know what they are!! Next was a croc basking in the sun, then we got really close to some Kudu and Waterbuck who had come for a drink.
We saw loads of hippos, including a cute baby following its mummy. And then loads more elephants watering and mud bathing. Its just incredible to watch these animals up so close, in their own environment, and watch how they behave naturally. Its difficult to explain how wonderful it is to see and watch all these animals.

Other animals we got to see were red antelope, giraffe running, monkeys, baboons, buffalo, loads more crocs & hippos, plenty of birds – storks, cranes, and other colorful tweeters we couldn’t identify, and some jelly fish
On our way back, we saw another beautiful sunset, over the river, with elephants wondering across the savanna :)

Next day was an early rise for a 6am 4x4 truck safari. In terms of animal spotting, not quite as good as the river safari. We still saw elephant, giraffe, buck, kudu, buffalo, hippo, and some baboons – some carrying their babies and some trying to make them ;) Ultimately, we came on this trip to see lions – there were tracks and it was quite exciting following them, but our driver missed them by a few minutes – all the other safari trucks managed to see Simba casually stroll in between them ;( Still, whilst disappointed to miss the lion, it was good to get really close to the buck and baboons, and spot so many things ourselves

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