What’s so special about Bunbury? The dolphins :-D
We arrived here at about 8:30am, and looked around the bay for the dolphins which are said to be here at this time. We saw the aquarium, and some people on the beach, but didn’t think much of it. Then we heard some other people in the car park mention the “D” word. We strained to see over the fence, and couldn’t get a view of anything in the water, so didn’t know what they were talking about. Ev suggested we pay to go through the aquarium to see what was going on, but typically Marc “tight arse” Thornton wasn’t loosening the purse strings that easily.
Marc saw someone walking their dog on the beach, so we did a circuit of the car park to find the way down. We found an entrance, then did a quick dash for the beach, and there they were, two adult dolphins and a calf swimming about 10ft from shore, swimming passed about a dozen on-lookers already in the water.
There are volunteers who monitor these beautiful creatures, as at about 9am everyday the dolphins come into the shore. Marc asked if we could go in, and they said yes (we still don’t know if we should have paid at the aquarium;) Unfortunately, Evelyn wasn’t wearing the most appropriate clothing and had to roll up her jeans as high as she could, in true touristy style.
So, they let us walk into the sea, to our thighs (2-3ft) and the dolphins came and swam in front of us, within touching distance (no touching allowed though). We were lucky to see the calf which was full of energy and did loads of jumping, splashing and speedy swimming.
The dolphins are wild animals and come here purely out of choice – as much to gaze at us, as us at them. They do get a little treat of 250g of fish (but they get nothing if calving), which is nothing compared to their normal daily diet.
This really was an amazing experience!!
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