After opening up his pressies we headed into town to the Pancake Manor for brekkie. Ev asked the waiter if they do anything for birthdays so when Marc's pancake came out, it came with a sparkler - he looked so embarrassed - bless. Unfortunately the waiter said that we definitely didn't want to hear him sing, so no b-day song ;(
We decided to work off the sweet pancakes with a walk through Chinatown & Brunswick str, this ended up being a longer walk than we had anticipated and with it being so hot, we were really glad when we reached the citi cat to take us to our next destination.
We headed to Indoroopilly Mall for Marc's final pressie, Casino Royale at The Gold Class Cinema - now this is something they should do in England!! You arrive in a swanky lounge where you can order a beer at the bar and relax before the film starts. Whilst relaxing, you can peruse the menu of nachos, pizza, wedges, cheesecake, etc, and decide what you'd like. You place your order at the bar - food or alcohol - giving the time when you think you may become a bit peckish/thirsty and then the waiter will bring this to your seat in the cinema whilst you're watching the film. How cool is this!?! Marc was quick to order one beer now, one in 1/2 hour, and one in the middle of the film, whilst Ev ordered a Baileys for 1/2 time. We decided to go for the standard popcorn as no film is the same without it ;) We were then ushered in the old fashioned way by a guy in a swanky waistcoat and torch.
The cinema only has about 30 seats, all of which are lazy boys, complete with foot rests!! Yep, that's right, they are grouped in twos with a small table between you. Absolute luxury, soon after our drinks arrived and the movie began. Marc had timed his beers perfectly so that when his first was finished his next arrived. The only thing was that Evelyn got the short end of the straw as all the drinks were set on the table from her side so she kept getting the waiter lean across her ;( You don't really notice that anyone else is there, and it is just like being at home (apart from you're not allowed to take your shoes off, which Marc forgot ;) We had an excellent time and will have to do it again before we leave.
Once the movie was finished we headed off to the Regatta to join John & Sasha for a lovely steak dinner. When we got home Marc & John decided to see out the end of the evening and beginning of the morning, by polishing off a bottle of Jim Beam :D and poor John had work the next day!
John & Sasha got Marc a really great pressie as well - 2 tickets for a tour of the XXXX brewery in town with 4 free drinks per person at the end of the tour. Marc and the XXXX have grown quite close since being in Brisbane, so this is quite a fitting present. They also gave him a XXXX t-shirt so when the memory fades (which is getting closer now old age is setting in), Marc still has a souvenir ;)
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