The night started at Breakfast Creek Hotel, which is something of a Queensland institution. It's renowned for doing the best steaks in Brisbane, and is the only place left which still serves XXXX Gold off the wood (out of a wooden barrel). The 4 of us were joined by Nikki (Sasha's sister) and her friend, and Joel, who we met on holiday in Croatia.
We had our good steaks then headed off to the Casino for a couple of hours to blow a few bucks on roulette. The casino is unlike any you get in the UK, as it is absolutely packed with a fairly young clientele, with a band playing in one room, and lots of big open space. A complete contrast to the often silent, seedy affairs you get back home. It's treated as a more fun night out over here, rather than the serious not-allowed-in-without-membership-and-ID places at home.
We stayed here until about 11ish, then headed off to the Pig & Whistle - a chain of English style pubs - to watch the football, Liverpool vs Charlton, which was won 3-0 by the 'pool. The ladies then headed off home, whilst the boys headed onto the Normanby pub, where we stayed until the early hours. This was a really friendly place, where you literally pull up a chair at any table and people speak to you, have a laugh, and become your best mate over a beer. Again, not something that would happen back home...
We stayed here to the early hours, and at about 4, we thought about going home. But as the sun was dawning shortly, Marc remembered that the Pancake Manor started its breakfast at 5, and as John had already mentioned the Manor (as the girls would be so jealous if we went;) we decided to hold on for a couple more drinks, then head for a Pancake breakfast. This was a great way to finish the night/start the day. Needless to say, neither of us rose until late and we were pretty unproductive for most of the day ;)
Whilst we were recovering, Evelyn took advantage of our last full day in Brisbane and headed into town to buy some souvenirs from the market and have one last wonder around the gardens.
Fig tree

Sweet scented flower
She also did most of the packing, for which Marc was very grateful, though at the time was a bit grumpy from lack of sleep and knowing that we had to be up at 5:30 the next morning for our flight to Melbourne...
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