Thursday, November 02, 2006

Uluru - Sounds of Silence

Looking forward to the tour, we caught the bus out into the middle of nowhere only to be greated by champayne and canapes! Very impressed by this we accepted and enjoyed the views of Uluru and Kata Tjuta whilst the sun set, with the digeridoo being played in the background. It was just beautiful to watch the rock change colours - from red, to light red/orange, to dark red - with the sun setting over the Kata Tjuta rocks in the west...

After a couple of glasses of champers we then got a bit of background history into digeridoo playing and moved on to the dinning area.

What a surprise to find, down a little path, several white table clothed tables awaiting us for a delicious, all you can eat, buffett - and of course not forgetting the free booze!! There was everything from kangaroo to croc to chicken and the food was delicious.

After we filled up on mains we found out how the tour got its name. Everyone fell silent and we just listened for 2 or so mins. All we could hear was the different sounds of the winds and the ocassional cricket. The area was in complete darkness, the only light coming from the rising moon, the stars in the sky, and candle light on the tables. Nothing ever "sounded" quite so amazing!!!

The silence was eventually broken by the astronomer who showed us the Southern Cross, pointer stars, alfa centauri and all the star signs that were in sight. It was just fabulous as the clouds had moved on, and the moon wasn't too bright so we got a real bright display of the stars up above. There were even telescopes & binoculars out for us so we could get a closer view, and we have never seen the craters of the moon before.

Once she had finished wowing us with information we got to dig into desserts, more wine, beer and Evelyn's favourite... port!

Before we knew it the bus had arrived to take us safely back to our lodging (so no wondering off into the dark ;) The only problem was that we had ordered quite a few ports and Evelyn, not wanting to waste it, downed a few too many and was very quiet on the bus back to civilisation.

Back at the campsite, Ev disappeared to the bathroom and after about 10mins of "freshing up" Marc got a bit worried and went to find out what was going on. It turned out Evelyn wasnt feeling too hot, so had stayed in the bathroom as precaution and lost track of time ;)

So 40 winks needed before we rise at 4:30am for sunrise ;)

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